Syrup by the Sea

Welcome to Syrup by the Sea! My name is Chris Olsen and we've been making NH Pure Maple Syrup now since 2012 on our property in Portsmouth, NH. Along with Mike Stetson who helps to operate the evaporator, tapping, tubing, heavy tractor work, sap collection and a lot of time in the sugarhouse we currently operate with almost 600 taps in the Portsmouth and Rye NH area. Additional Sap collectors include Troy Blanchard and John Hart. Our single goal is to make the best pure maple syrup we can and provide you with a wonderful taste of nature's perfect sugar. Our sap comes from sugar maples and red maples through sustainable collection that does not hurt or damage the trees. My wife, Daphne Bureau, and daughter, Olivia Olsen, run the marketing and sales efforts. We look forward to providing you with the best Maple Syrup from NH and hope you enjoy the results of our hard work.
Pure Maple Syrup is an incredible gift from nature and we love our trees!
Please feel free to contact me any time for all things Maple:
Chris Olsen
Syrup by the Sea
372 Lang Road
Portsmouth, NH 03801
email: syrupbythesea@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chris.olsen.5876060